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Vitruvius Britannicus, or The British Architect ... Vitruvius Britannicus, ou L'Architecte Britannique ... Vol. I-V ... — IV. 1767 ... Containing Plans, Elevations, And Sections; Of The Regular Buildings Both Public And Private, In Great Britain. Comprised In One Hundred Folio Plates, Engrav'd By The Best Hands; Taken From The Buildings, Or Original Designs By Woolfe And Gandon Architects ...

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Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz — Kunstbibliothek (Berlin)

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sonstiges Buch

OS 63.18
OS 2329 gr


Höhe x Breite: 53,0 x 36,8 cm (Band)

Katalog: Kupfertitel, gestoch. Widmung, 12 S., [79] Kupfer: 60 Bl. + 14 Doppelbl. + 5 Doppelfaltbl.: Nr. 1-98. (Teilkatalog OS, 1977)

Beziehungen zu anderen Datensätzen:
Darstellung:Jones, Inigo & Vanbrugh, John & Kent, William & Chambers, William & Adam, Robert: Gebäude & Ausstattung ()
Teil von:Vitruvius Britannicus, or The British Architect ... Vitruvius Britannicus, ou L'Architecte Britannique ... Vol. I-V ... - Buch (mehrbändig) ()
verwandt mit:I. 1715 ... Containing The Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Regular Buildings, both Publick and Private, In Great Britain, With Variety of New Designs; in 200 large Folio Plates, Engraven by the best Hands: and Drawn either form the Buildings themselves, or the Original Designs ... In II Volumes ... by Colen Campbell ... Sold by the Author ... - Band - Campbell, Colen (1676) u.a. - 1715 ()
verwandt mit:I[I]. [1717] ... Containing The Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Regular Buildings, both Publick and Private, In Great Britain, With Variety of New Designs; in 200 large Folio Plates, Engraven by the best Hands: and Drawn either form the Buildings themselves, or the Original Designs ... In II Volumes ... by Colen Campbell ... Sold by the Author ... [Titel wie bei I; Band- u. Jahreszahl handschriftl. berichtigt] - Band - Campbell, Colen (1676) u.a. - 1717 ()
verwandt mit:III. 1725 ... Containing The Geometrical Plans of ... Gardens and Plantations; also the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the most Regular Buildings, not Published in the First and Second Volumes. With Large Views, in Perspective, of the most Remarkable Edifices in Great Britain. Engraven by the Best Hands in One Hundred large Folio Plates. By Colen Campbell ... Architect ... Printed; And Sold by the Author ... - Band - Campbell, Colen (1676) u.a. - 1725 ()
verwandt mit:V. 1771 ... Containing Plans, Elevations, And Sections; Of The Regular Buildings Both Public And Private, In Great Britain. Comprised In One Hundred Folio Plates, Engrav'd By The Best Hands; Taken From The Buildings, Or Original Designs By Woolfe And Gandon Architects ... - Band - Gandon, James (1742) u.a. - 1771 ()

Datum: von "1767" bis "1767"
Technik: Kupferstich
Technik: Typendruck

Beteiligte Person:
Gandon, James (1742) (England, männlich, Autor, geboren 1742-02-20, gestorben 1823-12-24)

Woolfe, John (England, männlich, Zeichner, geboren 1750, gestorben 1793-11-13)

Milton, Thomas (England, männlich, Zeichner, geboren 1743, gestorben 1827-02-27)

Müller, Tobias (1744) (England, männlich, Stecher, geboren 1744, gestorben 1790)
      Alternative Namen:
      – Miller, Tobias

Darly, Matthew (Großbritannien, männlich, Stecher, geboren 1740, gestorben 1778)

Roberts, John (1768) (Großbritannien, männlich, Stecher, geboren 1768, gestorben 1803)
      Alternative Namen:
      – Roberts, John (2)

White, Thomas (1730) (England, männlich, Stecher, geboren 1730, gestorben um 1775)

Walker, Anthony (England, männlich, Stecher, geboren 1726, gestorben 1765-05-09)

Ebdon, Christopher (Großbritannien, männlich, Stecher, geboren 1744-10, gestorben 1824)

Mackworth, H. (Stecher)